Friday, July 1, 2011

Bob's Bridal Shower Cupcakes!

          I have always been obsessed with baking cupcakes- I'm that kid that got (and still gets) in trouble with my parents NOT because I am out too late, NOT because I don't clean my room as often as I should. No, I get in trouble because I make too many cupcakes that we, as a three person household, cannot eat by ourselves. Shows you how much of a rebel I am (NOT).
          When I got my diagnosis as a celiac, I was more upset about the fact that my cupcake baking days were over than I was about the fact that I would never eat gluten again. BUT ALAS! I was simply unaware of all the gluten free baking mixes out there that are absolutely fabulous an can even get the approval of our gluten eating counterparts! I've tried several different kinds of cupcake mixes, both vanilla and chocolate, but none are able to get that soft, fluffy texture like Bob's Red Mill's cake mix does.
           I happened to bake some mini cupcakes for a friend's bridal shower the other day, using Bob's GF Vanilla Mix, and let me tell you. They were a hit! People didn't even realize that they were gluten free, and best of all the bride couldn't stop telling me that my gluten free cupcakes are her favorite cupcakes! (P.S-- As much as this may have started to sound like a commercial, I promise I am not being paid by B.R.M to say any of this!) Anywhoozle, here are some pictures I took of the cupcakes (one kind is vanilla cake with chocolate sprinkles and the other kind is vanilla on vanilla cake with a lace heart that I cut out of doilies).
Vanilla on Vanilla with Lace Heart

Chocolate on Vanilla with Sprinkles

Bridal Shower food spread! 


Julie said...

thanks for the link! I'm going to have to try an egg-less cupcakes at some point!

Stephanie said...

they look so pretty and tasty!!! can't wait to try some more GF baked treats when you come to visit :)

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