Tonight for dinner I am having eggs with red and green bell peppers, olives, mushrooms, and cheese-- made in the microwave. How is this done, you may ask?? Well, considering it has been one of the best food revelations since I've lived in Denver, I guess I'll tell you. (Special shout out to my roommate, Kelsey, who showed me how to do this!)
First, start off with some eggs. I like using two. If you want to get fancy, use some of those prepackaged egg whites, like my roommate does. I say, bring on the cholesterol and use the yolks. Whatever you use, put them in any old bowl and give 'em a stir.
This delicious spread of veggies came not from the Safeway down the road but a little place I like to call the dining hall. My roommate and I have decided that it is pointless going and purchasing veggies that will have to be cut up and washed and will actually cost some money, so we go the thrifty way- sneaking in tupper ware and stocking up at the salad bar. You have to admit, its a pretty good idea. Don't judge me.
Put it in the microwave for about 3 minutes (this is the time for a mixture with two whole eggs. My roommate's version takes around 3.5 minutes with the egg whites. After 3 minutes, take out the eggs and mix it around a little. If it is still runny, put it back in for a little bit until it's perfect). When it comes out, it should look like a heavenly cloud of egg.
The salt and pepper gives it a little extra flavor, and it looks prettier this way. The salt and pepper is courtesy of our dining hall, as well. You may call it stealing, I call it thrifty and resourceful. And I suggest you follow my ways and do the same.
Looks incredibly yummy, and ALSO you DO have other readers! Other people, start signing up on this blog!!!
Great blog to help college student live with celiac disease and for others who just want to live the gluten-free lifestyle.
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